2024 Rebuild Efforts

For today, Friday, August 30th, here is the latest update on completed tasks and/or repairs:

  • Analysis of playscape and grounds of playscape area for needed repairs and/or replacement. 
  • Analysis of the current status of the 5th grade modular building 
  • Analysis of the floor in T14 (original PE building)

On-going tasks and repairs:

  • Reparation of floor in T14: Estimated date of completion is end of September
  • New PE building set: Estimated date of completion is Mid-September
    • Deck repair
    • Canopy tie-in
    • Electrical installation 
    • Technology /Networking Connections

Please note that some of the major rebuild projects will extend beyond a week and will be listed as on-going tasks/repairs. We will continue to communicate completed tasks appropriately. 

For today, Friday, August 23rd, here is the latest update on completed tasks and repairs:

  • Demolition of additional building damaged by Hurricane Beryl 
  • Floor repaired in original PE building (one classroom of the two).

On-going tasks and repairs through the week of August 26th:

  • New PE building set (in progress)
    • Deck repair
    • Canopy tie-in
    • Electrical installation 

For today, Friday, August 16th, here is the latest update on completed tasks and repairs:

  • Data / internet cabling to 2nd grade classrooms  
  • Perimeter fencing to separate construction site from areas accessible to students and staff
  • Removal of fencing behind 2nd grade building to allow access to picnic tables and water fountain

For the week of August 19th, here are the action items and next steps:

  • New PE building set (in progress)
    • Deck repair
    • Canopy tie-in
    • Electrical installation 
  • Demolition of additional building damaged by Hurricane Beryl 

For today, Friday, August 9th, here is the latest update on completed tasks and repairs:

  • Fire Alarm Installation 
  • Security Installation 
  • Canopy Installation completed
  • Campus grass cut 

For the week of August 12th, here are the action items and next steps:

  • Data / internet cabling to be completed Saturday. Teachers have hot spots available to them as a backup plan 
  • Perimeter fencing to separate construction site from areas accessible to students and staff
  • Removal of fencing behind 2nd grade building to allow access to picnic tables and water fountain

The beginning of school is fast approaching, and teachers and staff are eagerly preparing for a phenomenal start to the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited to share that while the repairs and rebuild are in process, all Sinclair students will be able to attend school on campus. This is a huge accomplishment considering the damage caused by two major weather events and the heavy amount of rain in the Houston area over the last several weeks.  As promised, I will continue to provide updates related to the repair process.

For today, Friday, August 2, here is the latest update on completed tasks and repairs:

  • Power and HVAC restored to all 2nd grade classrooms
  • Cabling for internet connectivity 
  • Debris in teacher parking lot removed
  • Teacher access to classrooms 

For the week of August 5, here are the action items and next steps:

  • Fire Alarm Installation 
  • Security Installation 
  • Canopy Installation completed
  • Campus grass cut and accessible grounds free of debris
  • Clear marking of grounds accessible to staff and students 

I will update you next week as we move towards the first day of school and throughout the rebuild process. I am so grateful for your support and cooperation.

For today, Friday, July 26, here is the latest update on completed tasks and repairs:

  • Facility Maintenance Operations moved all items from the four classrooms demolished from 5th grade building
  • Counselor’s Office and Restroom buildings demolished
  • Insurance adjuster complete assessment with Risk Management Department
  • Power restored to 2nd grade classrooms

For the week of July 29, here are the action items and next steps:

  • Replacement of awning for 2nd grade classrooms
  • IT networking replaced for 2nd grade classrooms
  • Clearing of debris outside 2nd grade classrooms
  • Ongoing demolition and clearing of debris

Sinclair Elementary School Storm Damage – Update July 18, 2024

Completed Tasks/ Ongoing:

  • Weekly meeting was held to identify storage space for SInclair items. 
  • Damaged sidewalk awning removed and disassembling of IT connections. 
  • Grass on grounds cut, sidewalks cleared with blower & debris removed. 

Action Items and Next Steps

July 22 – July 25       Facility Maintenance Operations is in the process of getting items removed. 
July 22 – July 25            

 Principal Mashburn

Sinclair Elementary School Storm Damage 

Completed Tasks:

  • Campus staff removed  personal items from damaged buildings
  • Student items removed from damaged buildings
  • Campus staff to inventory (and photo) items in each damaged building
  • Proposal requested and received for replacement options

Action Items and Next Steps

June 18 – July 3      Assessment of temporary buildings housed at HELC and Clifton MS
June 24 – July 3       Support departments (Facilities / IT) to dismantle and remove items from damaged buildings.
June 24 – July 3           Facilities and Construction Services to assess remaining undamaged buildings and provide update.

*date extensions reflected

Sinclair Elementary School Storm Damage 


From the evening of May 16, 2024, to midday May 17, 2024, a derecho struck the Gulf Coast causing widespread damage in the city of Houston and surrounding areas.

Sinclair ES was one of the hardest-hit schools resulting from fallen trees and inhabitable temporary buildings. Plans to restore the campus include tree and stump removal, clean up of debris, demolition and removal of damaged structures, and installation of replacement temporary building(s) or modulars by November 2024.

Completed Tasks:

  • Removal of fallen trees
  • Installation of temporary fencing
  • Restoring of power and A/C
  • Assessment of damages
  • Insurance claims submission

Action Items and Next Steps

June 17-21Campus staff to remove personal items from damaged buildings.
Campus staff to inventory (and photo) items in each damaged building.
Proposal requested and received for replacement options.
June 18-26Assessment of temporary buildings housed at HELC and Clifton MS.
June 24-28Supper departments (Facilities/IT) to dismantle and remove items from damaged buildings.
June 24 – July 1Facilities and Construction Services to assess remaining undamaged buildings and provide update.

Sinclair Elementary School Storm Damage Update: FAQ

Q: What is the timeline? 

Continued cleanup (ongoing until complete)

  • Removal of Data / IT, Cameras, Projectors, Equipment, Furniture (estimated completion 06/18)
  • Demolition of T-Buildings – (4) Modulars from 8-Pack Modular Classroom Building w/Restroom Unit Deck, Ramp, Stairs, Canopies.
    • Shopping Cart Creation / Purchase Order Issued (06/13-14/2024)
    • Approved Vendor to Begin Demolition (week of 06/17)

*Please note that although the remaining t-buildings “appear to be” undamaged, the structural integrity of the remaining units post demolition is unknown and will need to be inspected and cleared by a structural engineer. The team will begin discussions with approved structural engineers to request proposals and estimated costs.

Q: Could you please provide a timeline that includes what HISD has already done and what they are doing to meet the goal of starting all students on campus on August 12, 2024.

As my colleague, Alexis Licata, stated, the teams (risk management and insurance, facilities maintenance) have completed site inspections, and the district has submitted the request for public assistance. The facilities team has been directed to ensure the t-buildings are secure and covered. The damaged modulars will be removed with an estimated start beginning the week of 06/17. The academic leadership and operations leadership will discuss next steps to ensure a successful start of the academic school year. 

Q: Has an insurance adjuster been to our campus? 

Yes. The adjusted has been to the campus and has completed assessment. 

Q: The 5th grade building (8 classroom modular) had only affected classrooms that were repairable but has been exposed to the elements/significant rain since the storm and likely has more extensive damage as a result. Why was the building not tarped?

During the removal of trees and debris, the area was deemed unsafe. Once the assessment was complete, the team was directed to secure and cover all buildings, as/where needed. Additionally, although the buildings “appeared” to be undamaged and intact, the buildings sustained substantial damage. We will ensure the buildings are safe prior to them being opened for daily use.

Q: Is there another 8 classroom modular building in the District’s inventory to replace the one currently not in use? If not, has the District team gone out for bids on the replacement structure?

Replacement modulars are unavailable currently; however, we are working to determine next steps for the campus.

Q: Is there a restroom facility in District inventory to replace the one in disrepair? If not, has the District team gone out for bids on the replacement structure

A replacement restroom temporary building is unavailable currently; however, we are working to determine next steps for the campus.

Q: The plans for the 2021 Sinclair expansion are still on file with the city and the firm, Autoarch Architects is still an approved vendor. The expansion plans could be resubmitted, has anyone in the district been in contact with the firm?

Thank you for this information. We have rewired the plans, and we are determining next steps. 

Q:  I appreciate your attention to our wonderful school. 

Thank you for your email and we look forward to a great upcoming and successful school year.

*Teacher items recovery – Monday, Tuesday Wednesday: 8AM-12PM*