Key dates:
- Nominations are open from March 5 – April 7
- The slate will be presented on May 9
- 2025-26 PTO Board Elections will be May 16 at the PTO General Meeting at 7:45AM in the Sinclair Cafeteria
Any questions email nominations@sinclairpto.org
– A parent of a Sinclair student
– Sinclair faculty or staff member
– President nominee must have previously served in a board role
The duty of this committee is to find the best candidate for each of the elected positions. They accept nominations, review each applicant, and select one candidate for each office. The nominating committee presents a slate of officers to the PTO membership for consideration and election. At the election meeting, the slate can be adopted as presented, or additional nominations can be made from the floor.
The PTO consists of officers and committee chairs. Officers are elected by the membership, and committee chairs are appointed by the newly elected officers.
President: Serve as leader and key contact for the PTO; preside at all PTO meetings; ex-officio member of most committees; appoint chairpersons for special committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTO’s objectives can be met.
Vice President – Internal: The first vice president shall oversee internal affairs of the organization and work closely with the following committees: 5th grade, Nominations, Room Parent/Volunteer Coordinator, School Supplies, Spirit Store, Teacher Appreciation, Website, Yearbook, and any additional committees established by the Board that focus on programs and activities within our school community. The first vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.
Vice President – External: The second vice president shall oversee external affairs of the organization and work closely with the committees that focus on fundraising, hospitality, and any additional committees established by the Board that focus on programs and activities related to outside organizations and community partners. Specific committees include Beautification, Boosterthon, Community Outreach, Cultural Arts, Dad’s Club, Fall Fest, Garden Program, Pumpkin Patch, Silent Auction, and Spirit Nights. The second vice president shall assist the president and shall carry out the president’s duties in the absence or inability to serve of both the president and first vice president.
Secretary: Keep the minutes of all general and executive board meetings; be responsible for correspondence; maintain master documents and records of the PTO.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board and make a full report at the end of the year.
Assistant Treasurer: This person is the main back up to the Treasurer and helps to ensure checks and balances are kept. The Assistant Treasurer should be prepared to cover meetings when the PTO Treasurer is absent. Required to attend monthly meetings. This is a yearly position. It is assumed after one year this person would assume the role of Treasurer.