Featured Teacher – Ms. Catoire


What is one book I will read over and over again?

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. The movie is my all-time favorite, it made me love dinosaurs. Now that I’m older, the book goes into more detail and I have to re-read it every year.

What is my favorite memory from elementary school?

I was asked to sing “Super Turkey” on the
intercom system for everyone to hear.

What are some pets you’ve had or would like to own?

I have an adorable Dachshund / Yorkie mix… so a Dorkie. His name is Hobson. I would love to get him a buddy, hopefully this summer

What is my favorite part of teaching at Sinclair?

The students! They are funny, creative and overall great kids. I always brag to my other teacher friends about how my school is better.