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PTO Lunch Coverage – signup link in description

December 13

Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0849A8A82BA0FE3-50746530-lunch#/

Providing coverage gives our teachers an extra 30 minutes in their day to take a deep breath and take care of any unexpected tasks or planning.

All volunteers must be VIPS approved. The volunteer role consists of helping students in the cafeteria and ensuring a smooth transition between scheduled lunch times. Please keep in mind this is not an opportunity to have lunch with your child, nor may you bring lunch for your child. We also kindly ask that you not bring younger siblings with you to your shift.

We keep this shifts short so as to accommodate those with a busy schedule, but please feel free to sign up for more than one shift or for the whole lunch stretch.

Thank you for your willingness to volunteer! If you have any questions, you can reach out to Trish Houser at patricia.houser@hotmail.com or 713-870-2617. Thank you!

Click here to Sign Up


December 13


Sinclair Elementary
6410 Grovewood Dr
Houston, TX 77008 United States
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